Weight Loss Tips By MakeMeHealthier.co.uk – Herbalife UK independent distributor

Two thirds of people in the United Kingdom are recognised as being overweight.  Loosing extra body weight isn’t difficult, but most of the people make simple mistakes and find yourself giving up too easily. One of the biggest mistakes is that overweight people make is creating unrealistic goals and thinking too short term.

You have to remember how long it took you to gain the weight, and understand that it is a long-term lifestyle change that is needed to lose the extra weight and keep it off. Do not think that losing weight is a short-term fix or a short-term sacrifice.

Having said that, the good news is that you don’t have to change your entire life to lose some weight, but you do have to make some simples changes. Replace these simple bad habits with good choices and you’ll be taking an important first step to better health and better weight control:

1)  Cut soft packaged drinks out of your life. They are packed with sugars and calories and really promote weight gain. Avoid the so-called low calorie and diet varieties as well. Put a slice of lemon in some water instead. This simple adjustment will cut thousands of calories from most people diets.

2)  Swap readymade and fast food choices and find something fresh and easy to cook for yourself. Vegetables instead of chips, fish instead of fried chicken. You’re not being asked to source complicated and expensive food here, just to make better and healthier choices.

3)  Get some exercise. This doesn’t mean joining a gym – take the dog for a walk for half an hour a day. You’ll burn the equivalent of 5,500 calories per month which equivalent to more than 2lbs in fat. That’s a lot off unwanted fat, and your dog will thanks you for it.

4)  Don’t be obsessed about what the scales say and remember that losing inches and clothes sizes are just as important.

5)  Make healthier choices wherever you can like taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking when you don’t have to drive and look to make small changes that will quickly add up.

To summarise, remember that losing weight is something that is within your grasp, and you don’t have to change your life to change your weight.


Karin Jennings  the MD of MakeMeHealthier.co.uk is promoting the fact that losing weight doesn’t have to involve changing your whole life. ‘Small lifestyle changes can make so much difference’ she’s says. ‘It’s not about breaking poor food habits, but more about replacing them with better food choices. Simple changes like substituting fizzy drinks with water and choosing fresh food over fast food can make immediate and positive changes that help to promote weight loss’

‘Make healthier choices wherever you can like taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking when you don’t have to drive and look to make small changes that will quickly add up.

To summarise, remember that losing weight is something that is within your grasp, and you don’t have to change your life to change your weight.